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jumping spider on a leaf
How to Keep Spiders Away

Spiders are common household pests that can spin unsightly webs and create a nuisance. While most spiders are harmless to humans, their webs can be quite bothersome and even pose a fire hazard if they accumulate near electrical outlets or light fixtures.

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Green aphid sitting on white lower
How To Get Rid of Aphids in Florida

Florida's warm and humid climate provides an ideal habitat for a variety of garden pests, and among them, aphids take center stage. These small, sap-sucking insects can wreak havoc on your beloved plants, causing stunted growth, distorted leaves, and even the transmission of plant diseases.

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Rats sitting on wooden floor
7 Easy Tips For DIY Pest Control

A pest infestation is one of every homeowner’s worst nightmares. Whether it's ants, cockroaches, rodents, termites, or any of the other common Central Florida pests, you don’t want to see them anywhere in your house.

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Ants crawling in kitchen
9 Common Types of Ants in Florida

Dozens of different species of ants call Florida home. However, only a few species are known to invade homes. The ants that we see in our homes are attracted to different things depending on the species, but it’s mostly between food, moisture, and shelter

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Dog scratching a flea bite
How To Detect Fleas In Your House

No one wants to deal with these annoying, bothersome pests, and here in Central Florida, they are no laughing matter. Maybe you’ve noticed your furry friend scratching a little more than usual, or you saw dark spots on your carpet.

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