25 Common Florida Weeds

Florida homeowners enjoy great weather year-round, but with that comes year-round weeds that ruin the look of your lawn and can affect the health of your grass. In most cases, Florida lawn weeds are faster and more complex than our grass, making them difficult to control. To stand a chance against invading weeds, you need to be able to identify them.
Some of the most common weeds found in Florida include:
- Bermuda Grass
- Broadleaf Plantain
- Bull Thistle
- Butterfly Weed
- Buttonweed
- Chickweed
- Crabgrass
- Dallisgrass
- Dandelions
- Dollarweed
- Doveweed
- Florida Beggarweed
- Florida Pusley
- Goosegrass
- Joe Pye Weed
- Matchweed
- Milkweed
- Nutsedge
- Purslane
- Sandspurs
- Spurge
- Stinging Nettles
- Quackgrass
- Yellow Woodsorrel
- White Clover
Bermuda Grass
Bermuda grass is very tolerant to heat, drought, and high foot traffic, so it is no wonder it has become a popular lawn, golf course, and football field grass here in the South.
Bermuda grass is great for quickly establishing new lawns because of its rapid growth, ability to out-compete common Florida weeds, and high tolerance for pests and disease. However, it can get out of control very quickly. Left unchecked, it can invade vegetable gardens, flower beds, paver patios, driveways, and even your neighbor’s lawn.
Broadleaf Plantain
Plantains are perennial, broadleaf weeds that thrive in compact or nutrient-poor soils. They are common in yards, nurseries, and landscapes. Plantains germinate in late spring through mid-to-late summer and grow low to the ground, allowing them to avoid most lawnmower blades. Pre-emergent herbicides are the best method for controlling broadleaf plantains.
Bull Thistle
Bull thistle is a non-native plant from Europe and Asia. Like most thistles, it starts low to the ground and, if left unchecked, can grow up to 6 feet tall. Like its American cousins, it produces purple flowers and has tiny thorns on its leaves and stems. Bull thistles enjoy open areas of full sun and can tolerate various soil conditions. They are commonly found along roadsides, ditches, trails, logged areas, pastures, and cultivated land.
Butterfly Weed
Butterfly weeds are native to North America and are cousins to milkweed. They are attractive plants that produce bright orange, yellow, or red flowers all summer. The nectar and pollen in their flowers attract beneficial insects to your gardens, such as hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. They are a must-have for any butterfly garden.
Buttonweed is an annoying broadleaf in turfgrass common throughout the southeastern United States. It grows deep roots, making it hard to pull up by hand. It grows best in moist to wet soils and can tolerate low mowing heights. Buttonweed is easy to spot by its white tubular flowers and four star-shaped petals. It spreads by creeping roots, which makes controlling it by pre-emergents useless. The best way to control buttonweed is by maintaining a healthy lawn to prevent invading broadleaf weeds.
Chickweed is a perennial that grows in winter and can tolerate a wide range of soils. Chickweed grows best in soils with high nitrogen content and a neutral pH balance. Chickweed is found in the north and central parts of Florida. It begins to germinate in December and January and will continue to re-grow annually. To control chickweed in Florida, use a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring to prevent any seeds from germinating. Post-emergent weed control can be used after the weed has already established itself in your lawn.
Crabgrass is one of the most common weeds that plague Florida lawns. Crabgrass is tough, can stand up to heavy foot traffic, and can avoid mower blades. Homeowners can spend all year trying to control crabgrass, but there is a reason this weed is notoriously tough. Crabgrass tolerates soils high in nitrogen, which is found in most fertilizers. When you fertilize your Florida lawn, you are also feeding the crabgrass. It is best to prevent crabgrass in the spring by applying pre-emergent herbicides.
Dallisgrass is not native to the United States. Instead, it comes from Uruguay and Argentina. It was introduced to the United States in the 19th century as a forage plant for livestock because it could survive our southern climate. Dallisgrass has since exploded across the south and thrives in Florida lawns. Dallisgrass control is a three-pronged approach that involves maintaining a healthy lawn, pre-emergent weed control in the spring, and post-emergent weed control throughout the year.
Dandelions are one of the most common and easily identifiable weeds in the world. They are native to Eurasia and were brought to America when the settlers arrived in the 1600s as a salad green. Since then, they have spread out of control to every corner of the country and every corner of your yard. Dandelions grow a strong taproot that grows vertically into the ground, making it very hard to pull by hand. To control dandelions, use pre-emergents in the spring before the weeds begin to grow.
Dollarweed, also known as Pennywort, is a warm-season perennial weed. It gets its name from its silver–dollar-shaped leaves. The presence of dollarweed is a good indicator that your yard is getting too much water. You can reduce dollarweeds in your yard just by changing your irrigation practices.
Doveweed is a sneaky summer annual that germinates later in the summer than other common Florida weeds. This allows homeowners to ignore it until it becomes a problem. Doveweed is a very common problem in overwatered or poorly draining residential and commercial lawns.
Florida Beggarweed
Beggarweed is a common perennial broadleaf weed found in Florida landscapes, gardens, and pastures. Its leaves, stems, and seeds are coated in tiny hairs that act like Velcro when they come into contact with hair, clothing, and fur. These sticky seeds can help propagate Beggarweed far and wide and make a mess of your pets.
Florida Pusley
Florida pusley is a summer annual weed found in warm-season turfgrass. It seeks out and establishes itself in thin or bare spots in your yard. Florida pusley can be easily controlled by maintaining a healthy yard and practicing proper irrigation techniques to ensure thick and healthy grass.
Goosegrass is found in lawns all over the Midwest in the summer and grows in areas of high foot traffic and compact soil. It germinates in the spring, grows throughout the summer, and produces thousands of seeds before dying from the first frost in autumn. The seeds can remain in the soil for several years.
Joe Pye Weed
Joe Pye weeds have thick stems and lance-shaped, serrated, dark green leaves that can be up to a foot long. Although it's often considered just a roadside weed, Joe Pye weed has a sweet vanilla scent that is especially attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. It has become an increasingly popular plant for native gardens. It does need plenty of space to accommodate its height and spread.
Occurring in low moist areas in open woods and turf, matchweed also prefers open sandy areas and can be found on stream banks and pond margins. It is a mat-forming broadleaf weed with hairy, lateral stems that are freely branched and rooting at the nodes. The most effective method for controlling matchweed is to use professionally selected and applied broadleaf weed killers based on your specific climate and geography.
Love them or hate them, milkweed is famous for attracting and hosting Monarch butterflies. Their soft purple flowers also attract other pollinators. Milkweed enjoys full sun and moist to wet soil conditions and can grow up to 4 feet tall. It may seem harmless, but this weed can spread at an alarming rate and quickly overtake your gardens and flower beds. Milkweed is a perennial weed that will live for two years and deposit more seeds. This makes controlling milkweed difficult, but it can be achieved through herbicide sprays, hand pull, and mulch.
Nutsedge is an aggressive, common Florida weed that thrives in unhealthy lawns. It is difficult to control because it is not a broadleaf weed, which is targeted by most weed killers. Nutsedge can reproduce by releasing seeds that germinate and sprout into new plants or via underground stems, known as rhizomes. The most common way nutsedge reproduces is through underground tubers, known as nutlets. To control nutsedge, you need to buy products designed specifically for killing these difficult weeds. Proper lawn care management can also prevent nutsedge from gaining a foothold.
Purslane is an annual creeper with thick reddish stems and paddle-like leaves. Purslane is an edible plant that has a flavor profile of spinach and can be used in salads as an alternative to lettuce. Besides being a delicious salad ingredient, purslane is also an annoying weed that can ruin the look of your lawn. Seeds can remain dormant in your soil for years, even decades. You can control purslane by pulling the plants while they are still young. Just be sure to remove the entire plant because purslane can reroot from any part of the leaves or stems.
Sandspur is a grassy annual weed that is also known as burgrass or Sandburs. It is common in the southern United States. In the spring, sandspur appears like other grasses, but by late summer, it starts to grow burs or spurs that detach and carry the seed. These burs are very prickly and can even pierce the skin, especially when walking barefoot. Sandspur often grows in areas plagued with drought or not getting proper nutrition.
Spurge is a fast-growing weed that can quickly get out of control if not treated. Spurge is an annual summer weed that grows low and spreads fast. The key to controlling it is stopping it early. Spotted spurge is often a sign of poor or compacted soil. The taproot of spurge is very long, and if it isn't all removed, the weed will grow back from either root pieces or seeds.
Stinging Nettles
One of the worst Florida lawn weeds to come across is stinging nettles. Nettles are perennials but are not like other weeds on this list. Stinging nettles are known for their painful stings when touched. Nettles are covered in tiny needles that house a chemical that irritates the skin and causes an agonizing burn on contact. The burning sting can last over an hour. Nettle stings are rarely dangerous or life-threatening, but staying away from them is still a good idea. Nettles have a shallow root system and are very easy to pull by hand. Just make sure you are wearing thick gardening gloves when you do it.
Quackgrass is a creeping perennial grass that is considered a nuisance to Florida homeowners. It is commonly found in vacant fields or along unmaintained roadsides. The plant begins to produce seeds in June, which are dispersed by birds or wind to new areas where they will germinate and cause headaches. Quackgrass can also reproduce by underground rhizomes that travel from one lawn to the next, producing new plants along the way.
Yellow Woodsorrel
The leaves of yellow woodsorrel look similar to clover, except that the leaves are curved at the center of each leaf. The leaves open in the morning and fold during the night. This weed is notoriously hard to control because it grows year-round in Florida. The best way to get rid of woodsorrel is by digging them out as soon as possible, taking as much root as possible.
White Clover
Clover is a common lawn weed found all over the United States. It is a cool-season perennial common in pastures and lawns. Clover reproduces with creeping stems that produce roots and shoots. As with most weed prevention methods, maintaining a healthy and dense lawn is the best method for preventing weed problems. This includes proper mowing height, proper irrigation, and fertilization.
Call the Professionals
This is just a small list of the number of Florida lawn weeds that can invade your lawn. Weeds can quickly get out of control and take over your yard. At Deans Services, we have years of experience getting rid of weeds in Florida lawns. Our Clermont lawn care program is designed to feed your lawn, eliminate weeds, and prevent them from coming back. We have the skills and expertise to turn your yard into the yard of your dreams. Give us a call today at 352-515-9826 or contact us online.